org_x = new_x * (org_width/new_width)
org_y = new_y * (org_height/new_height)
當3x3的影像F(x, y)放大為4x4的影像Q(x, y)時,Q(1, 2)對應到F(x=1(3/4), y=2(3/4)) = F(0.75, 1.5),最近鄰插值會直接取F(1, 2)的值代入F(0.75, 1.5)。但是這個方法並不聰明,因為F(0.75, 1.5)周圍有4個像素(DEGH),考量這4個像素加權的影響一定會比單考慮最接近的1個像素來得合理。
我們可以用線性插值(Linear interpolation)來推算兩點之間任一點的值,假設F(x, y)周圍的4個像素為F(x0, y0),F(x0, y1),F(x1, y0)及F(x1, y1)
先計算兩次線性插值得到F(x, y0)及F(x, y1)
F(x, y0) = F(x0, y0) * (x1-x) + (x1, y0) * (x-x0)
F(x, y1) = F(x0, y1) * (x1-x) + (x1, y1) * (x-x0)
再透過F(x, y0)及F(x, y1)線性插值得到F(x, y)
F(x, y) = F(x, y0) * (y1-y) + F(x, y1) * (y-y0)
def bilinear(org, new_shape):
org_height, org_width = org.shape[:2]
new_height, new_width = new_shape[:2]
# Adjustment for suitable mapping.
adj_height = 0.5 * (org_height/new_height-1)
adj_width = 0.5 * (org_width/new_width-1)
new = np.zeros(shape=new_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
for new_x in range(new_width):
for new_y in range(new_height):
# Added adjustment.
org_x = new_x * (org_width/new_width) + adj_width
org_y = new_y * (org_height/new_height) + adj_height
# To get the 4 near pixels.
org_x0 = int(org_x)
org_y0 = int(org_y)
org_x1 = np.clip(org_x0+1, 0, org_width-1)
org_y1 = np.clip(org_y0+1, 0, org_height-1)
# Linear interpolation.
v0 = (org_x1-org_x)*org[org_y0, org_x0, :] + (org_x-org_x0)*org[org_y0, org_x1, :]
v1 = (org_x1-org_x)*org[org_y1, org_x0, :] + (org_x-org_x0)*org[org_y1, org_x1, :]
v = (org_y1-org_y)*v0 + (org_y-org_y0)*v1
new[new_y, new_x, :] = v.astype(np.uint8)
return new
Google colab代碼演示: